Unveiling the Hidden
Jul 08, 2022
Hello Wild Ones! It has been a long while since I have shared! This Pisces has been to the depths and back, reclaiming my health, voice, heart, and spirit! I went to the Underworld with C*VID as my co-pilot for NINE WEEKS! Seriously. As a Medicine Woman I have a number of skills at my fingertips, including but not limited to Chinese, Functional & Western medical skills in my toolbox. I tried everything. EVERY combination of herbs, probiotics, and pharmaceuticals I could find in hopes of ejecting this entity that had moved into my Temple and taken over. Nothing worked.
So one day, I call my brother-from-another-mother, crying and fed up with lack of sleep (not good when you're a single parent), endless fatigue, nausea, and extreme weight loss. He listened, his fellow doctor-wife gave some suggestions, and then he let truth reign. "Sister", he said, "you are a MEDICINE WOMAN, be one. Look at this from Spirit, that is where you will find your answer."
Damn...mic drop.
So, I dried my tears, set up an altar with the seemingly random roses I bought in the morning, got out my drum, and went to town. I played until a trance took over and then I called that virus up to have a face-to-face conversation. Turns out it is a feminine being, one who has been distorted and suppressed (relatable) and was there to show me where I had been succumbing to my shadows rather than rising to the occasion. Say what? Floored.
As I saw where I had contributed to my physical distress I felt empowered rather than uncomfortable. Everything was fixable. I could hear my Spirit and this entity clearly spell out what I needed in order to heal. The beautiful, connected simplicity of it brought tears to my eyes. I released the conversation and began to surface towards the waking world, humbled and renewed.
Standing up I brewed organic rose tea, went outside into the sunny garden, and dedicated myself to a rose dieta in order to heal with the Divine Goddess energy of this beautiful plant. Roses used medicinally have anti-depressant qualities, increase bile production, are antiseptic, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, and when used with rose hips, high in vitamin C. Roses have been used for thousands of years to support internal and external health, alongside having profound spiritual qualities. In Chinese medicine, roses regulate qi and relieve qi stagnation such as depression and irritability and PMS. With this magical plant in my system, that night I followed the instructions my Spirit gave me for a good night's sleep and woke in the morning fresh-eyed, well-rested, and with NO symptoms. I felt amazing. And just like that, I was back.
When you Unveil the Hidden you allow the Shadows of your journey to teach you, removing the traumas, triggers, and dramas to have power over you.
THIS is so very BRAVE! To face oneself without flinching and take responsibility for whatever part you played in the continuing saga of your life. Truly, I get it, we have all been there with poor boundaries, crappy standards, toxic relationships, gossip, addictions, and bad habits. But here is the kicker, you get to say when it's enough. Yes, YOU! Now, I am not saying it will be easy, but it WILL be worth it, and it will prevent you from getting into the same situations when you chose YOU over self-abandonment.
So how do you make this happen? Well, there are loads of different ways, but personally, I always come back to plants and archetypes. Archetypes are the map of human consciousness. There are various to choose from but I find what really helps is starting with the essence of the pattern to become aware of what is actually playing out in your life. Real. Honest. Brave. When paired with plant medicines and herbs, you have the ability to get to the TRUTH of the matter, and it sticks!! No more management of the shadows, triggers, and dramas of your life.
As Medicine Women, there are loads of archetypes connected to your evolution that carry activated and shadow patterns to help you transform your path. In Altars of Wisdom, our upcoming online journey, you will meet the "Core Four" of the Sacred Feminine Medicine Path Archetypes. They are the Priestess, Witch, Wild Woman, and Wise Woman. Over 10 weeks we will journey with the Light & Shadow side of these beings paired with a plant medicine for deeper transformation. Learn about your own patterns and how to embodied the activated version, while learning Medicine Woman skills, rituals, ceremonies, and herbal practices.
Interested? We made a Free Masterclass that you can sign up to see! And as always, you are welcome to reach out with any questions.
Plant medicine, shadow work, archetypes and the Sacred Feminine are powerful tools for our turbulent times! Look forward to seeing you there!
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