The Plant Path to Your Wild & Wise

Tailored dietas for your health, hormones, spiritual growth, & education!

One-to-one support with ongoing enrollment to support you at anytime!

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What is the Plant Path to your Wild & Wise?

Working with plants for healing, spiritual growth, hormone balancing, and educational purposes are powerful ways to clear old patterns, habits, and negativity, while opening you up to new levels of wellness. Dietas, have become extremely fashionable as a way to learn from and heal with a specific plant paired with Master Plants such as Ayahuasca. While this has become popular due to the Amazonian Traditions, working with plants in a deep way has been around for thousands of years in various traditions and herbal medicine practices.

To receive healing from these beings it is important to cultivate a relationship with them, while also clearing your field so that you can receive the messages. Having a specific foods and practices which support the process allows for the deep work to take place. Working with one plant repeatedly creates allyship, the ability to call on that being for future support, but like all things it is a relationship that grows over time. Having a practitioner who understands your health from a medical and shamanic view, as well as proper dosage, nutrition, and contraindications is essential for receiving the healing you desire!

Whether you are in your Maiden, Mother or Wild & Wise Years, a woman's journey begins with your bleeding time and is the first initiation after your birth into the world. After this, women enter the perimenopause years as the last Rite of Passage before the Wise Woman Initiation and is a powerful time to check in with oneself around your path, purpose, health, and desires. Approaching health and these transformations as Rites of Passage reduces fear, ensures body positivity, creates community, and gives meaning to the transitions of life, becoming Wild & Wise!

Have you...

🌿 Felt confused by all the health and plant medicine options out there, not knowing what to choose or who is legit?

🌿 Felt called to work with plants but would prefer to have a container tailored for your needs?

🌿 Are you curious about the Medicine Path but unsure where to begin?

🌿 Feel at odds with your body as weight gain, new aches, pains, and cognitive issues such as sleep and anxiety cropped up as you age?

🌿 Feel depressed, lonely, and lost as to what brings you joy anymore?

🌿 Have a lingering health issue you would rather have a natural solution for?

🌿 Are you experiencing vaginal dryness, low libido, difficulty concentrating, or a change in your menstrual cycle as you transition into perimenopause or menopause?

🌿 Are you unsure about what to take to support your system (drugs, herbs, supplements, or diet) through these changes?

🌿 Looking for a healthier solution to addictions and poor habits taking over your life?

🌿 Longing for a deeper relationship with your body, womb, and your purpose in life?

Wild & Wise are not alone!

Hormone Issues

80% of perimenopausal women experience some hormonal and neurochemistry issues from the age 40 and over.

1 in 3 women over 40 have a low libido.

75% of women 40 and over in the USA, UK, and Australia experience night sweats &/or hot flashes, compared to Asian countries.

85% of women 50 and over have vaginal dryness, and 52% have pain with sex in the US.

On average women gain an extra 12 to 15 pounds between the age 40 to 55.

Depression, Anxiety & Sleep

1 in 4 women ages 40 and over are taking antidepressants, increasing 40% in the last ten years.

87% of women 40 and over experience some sort of cognition issues, forgetfulness, sleep issues, and mood disturbances around the world.

35% of women 45 and over report feeling lonely. And women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with anxiety and self-esteem issues.



About a third of all women will have a hysterectomy by the age of 60, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), most are elective, & about 90% are unnecessary.

Women at high risk of needing a hysterectomy are those between ages 40 and 45, usually from heavy periods caused by endometerosis, fibroids, or other womb imbalances. It is the most common women's procedure in the US.

In the UK, Australia, and India, 1 in 5 women will have a hysterectomy by the age of 50.

"The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well."   Hippocrates

You have the ability to heal your body, mind, soul, ancestral lines, and so much more! Having a support system to guide you through the process allows you to surrender to the journey knowing you are held safe.

It is not enough just to take plants. You must understand how they work within your body in a physical, mental-emotional, sexual, hormonal, and spiritual manner. This is how true transformation takes place, through deep commitment, authentic transmissions, and wisdom. All of this combined with your dedication and discipline is a powerful solution to what ails you!

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What to expect in this program....

Your program will be tailored to your needs, however, there will be some basic practices included, as well as deeper skills to choose from for your journey!

Changing Woman Phases

Understand the gifts & challenges of the Changing Woman Phases from a cultural, shamanic, medical, and herbal perspective.

Hormones & Pleasure

Understand hormones & how to activate your womb, libido, and feminine energy for creative manifestation, health & wellbeing.

Rites of Passage & Initiations

Learn how to embrace the powerful transitions in life, such as Peri/Menopause, grief, & Sacred Rage to live the life you desire.

Sacred Earth Medicines

This is an additional upgrade to microdose in order to reset your  hormones and neurochemistry for optimal health.

Sacred Earth medicines:

There is an option to work with Sacred Earth Medicines such as cactus or fungi in a private ceremony &/or micro/macro dosing alongside the work for deeper transformation. The ceremonies will be conducted locally. Please reach out for more details!

The Wild Woman

There is so much talk these days about women claiming their Wild Woman, which makes sense in these times of constriction. However, she is the part of us that returns to her sense of self after her devotion to family, partner, and/or children. She is the essence that begins to bloom after the Maiden and Mother, embracing the next evolution of her life outside of cultural expectations. This is the phase of life where her physical body, her Temple, begins to communicate specific needs to be met before the great Initiation into a Wise Woman.

The Shadow side to this evolving archetypal path is the nag, the evil step-mother, over bearing mother, the mother who never grows up. She can be seen as reckless, overly sexual or a prude in the extreme, self-serving, moody, resentful, and irresponsible when her gifts are ignored or unclaimed.

Learning her gifts allows for a woman in her Changing Times to age gracefully by understanding what is taking place in her body, how to work with the messages, and treat herself accordingly. Beyond physical ailments, your ability to open up to new pathways of energy, orgasmic states, and creative endeavors gives you new purpose in life, connecting with others in a more heart-centered way.

The Wise Woman

The Wise Crone is one of the oldest stories lived in life and carried through time. Jung referred to her as embodying a person’s “mana” personality, the fundamental spiritual power present within all of us, but the aspect that has gained wisdom through lived experience over time. The Wise Woman Archetype is the end & beginning of the path of initiation, and thus an important step in becoming viewed as an Elder. The Wise Woman has been a part of many indigenous cultures as the visionary or Dreamtime Keeper, the Death Doula, and Wisdom Carrier of the community for help, herbs, magic, guidance and more.

Sadly, this phase of a woman's life has been dismissed and demoted to evil witch, hag, a burden to family, and a useless part of society except as babysitter. Her shadow side reels its ugly head as vindictive, sneaking, resentful, guilt-tripping, cruel, angry, out of touch, and victimized. She may end up alone and ostracized from the family or community when the cultural norms think of her as ineffectual or unnecessary.

Learning her gifts, and understanding that she also has different phases of initiation in the years to come, means feeling secure on this deeper spiritual path, honoring your energy and opening up to visions, patience, and dreams not available to those who do still have their bleeding time.

Why microdose with psilocybin?

Microdosing is everywhere and for good reason! People experience an increase in focus, creativity, and cognition, a decrease in physical symptoms such as depression, premenstrual issues, and pain, as well as weight loss, and a deeper connection to family, friends, one's life path, and the Universe/Spirit/Great Mystery/God, etc.

While there have not been loads of large scale studies done on women specifically, there has been a number of small studies and self-reported cases revealing that psilocybin helps to regulate the menstrual cycle whether it has stopped altogether, is irregular, or the flow has become excessive. Women have also reported an increase in fertility, a decrease in premenstrual tension, and reduced menopausal symptoms. I have also seen extraordinary results over the decades of treating women with what I like to call "holistic microdosing", combining herbs, supplements, plant medicines, hormone cycling, nutrition, and personal practices for overall well-being.

The evidence of lowered cortisol, increased serotonin, and renewed neuroplasticity is overwhelming positive, pointing towards increased overall well-being! The studies done on cognition, Alzheimer's, and memory reveal that microdosing helps to create new neural pathways, even as we age, alleviating anxiety and depression. While the field is new and expanding with findings all the time, microdosing is a safe and effective way to create healthy changes in your life by becoming familiar with the medicine in small doses, especially if you are on medications or other supplements.

Understanding how medicine changes or is amplified based on your bleeding cycle, hormones, and personal neurochemistry is fascinating and one of my passions! This is an option to go deeper with this program and includes one-to-one support.


  • Each of the roses has a different vibration, and can be paired with the active health concern
  • Pink, White, Red, Peach, Yellow, or Purple/Sterling have the longest historical use
  • No artificial roses are used in dietas

Mimosa Flower

  • Similar to the Amazonian Bobinsana but has unique properties from Asia
  • Utilized in Chinese Medicine for thousands of ears
  • Great for spiritual & mental health
  • Excellent for womb care

Medicinal Mushrooms

  • Lion's Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps, Turkey Tail
  • Have different properties for spiritual, meditative, & physical health
  • Excellent for immune support, cancer, and cognitive issues

Blue Lotus

  • Opens up the Sexual Energetic Body
  • Great for Lucid Dreaming
  • Visioning plant great for meditation
  • Supports the hormones
  • Has a powerful & ancient history connected with Priestess culture


  • Supports the blood, the heart, and the circulation
  • Learn the properties and stories of this plant for sensuality
  • Work with your womb in new ways!
  • Reduces fatigue and insomnia

Tailored Plants

  • As an herbalist I have worked with plants from around the world!
  • We can find a plant specific to your health or spiritual needs, or work with one that you are called to.
  • Dosage, medicinal properties, and protocol created with expert care!

The Importance of Honoring your Womb & Dieta

“Women have a direct relationship to the moon by way of their womb, and a powerful connection to nature's rhythms. This is what makes us uniquely connected to the Wild of life and the Plant Path overall.”
Seven Crow, Wild Woman Medicine

To know this truth of yourself, it is vitally important to understand the cycles of your nature and how they connect with the WILD around you, but also to receive deep healing that is unique to your path. Honoring your Rites of Passage means accepting the responsibility and gifts that come with being female. The Plant Path of Wild & Wise is a bold step for personal and collective evolution.

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S ~ Peru/Germany

Shamanic Healer

The medicine of Roses has been calling me since I entered my Wild Woman years & Menopause. Having worked in the healing arts for many years, I felt a strong urge to do something just for myself and joined Seven's one-on-one 14-day Rose Dieta program - and it turned out to be the best decision I could have made at this point in my life!

Having gone through perimenopause without any of the known symptoms, they hit hard a few months after I had stopped bleeding and I lost my connection to my womb along with everything else I thought I had known about my own body…… and about who I thought I was!

Now it has been 4 weeks after I officially finished the Dieta and not only have I transformed the trauma I experienced at birth but I have also established a new relationship with my womb, with my body, and with myself as a woman!

As with most dietas, also this one is a gift that keeps on giving and I have gained 2 new allies in the white and pink rose who continue to share their wisdom and knowledge with me.

The Beauty of this particular Rose Dieta is that Seven designs the entire program according to each woman’s needs and she is absolutely adaptable to changes. As with her Huachuma ceremonies, Seven creates and holds a safe and sacred container and gives you all the material and tools you need for your journey - but how deeply you choose to go is entirely up to you!

Seven is one of those rare Individuals who truly embody their calling with integrity. She is not here to fix anyone but to share her vast knowledge and wisdom with women who are ready to reconnect with ALL of themselves.

Thank you dear Seven for walking your talk and being such an inspiration!

Elena G. ~ Germany/Peru


In the past couple of years I have tried out different natural / alternative ways of healing approaches. Seven for sure is the most professional holistic working person I met until today in my entire life! I cannot thank her enough for where she pulled me out from. In that time of my life I was praying for guidance where I could fully trust and totally let go whilst feeling caught up in safe hands.

As Seven has been working with plant medicine since the age of 12 and her journey led into the medical sector as a doctor for many years around the world, it gave me this deep confidence that she really knew what she was talking about! I could trust her a 100% as I sensed that she is aware of natural and allopathic paths. Her spiritual way of living in combination with the practical tools for everyday life and  expertise about physical treatments for support depicted the perfect match for me! I had to put in a lot of work on my own which I was willing to, as Seven made me feeling that I am safe and secure, nothing was wrong with me and if I decided to walk the healing path it’s gonna work out!

She is very patient, clear in her sayings, puts in a lot of effort from heart and own experiences with profound, holistic knowledge is extremely valuable! I met her first in Peru for 2 acupuncture sessions where she "saved my life“ and I went on with online support for a month. I still do the practices and rituals I learned from her. Working with her was first to rescue myself. But now I sense it was not something to start and end but to plant a new seed within myself and in my entire way of living - which goes on and on! I wish to keep studying with her! Thank you from my heart.


Erotic Blueprint Coach

The wisdom and knowledge that Seven has can be felt from the moment you speak to her.  As an almost 48 year old woman going through many transformations, both emotionally and physically, I was able to have the support I desired to move forward into growth and allyship with plant medicine.

In our short time together, I have seen epic shifts in so many areas of my life. I was able to cut my pharmaceuticals in half, my sleep improved, my alcohol intake has reduced and is no longer my “go to” to numb out at the end of a difficult day.  WOW! So many huge shifts!! 

My “knowing” and confidence in my past choices as well as my current relationships and choices have benefited from my microdosing protocol. I’m happier, less reactive, more able to feel into what I truly want (or don’t want) and then communicate those needs. This is visible in how I’m showing up and communicating with my family, romantic relationships as well as my business clients.

Seven held the container for all of these changes, carefully monitoring my physical and emotional status. She made me feel safe and taken care of through the entire journey.

Seven Crow has been studying entheogenic plant medicines and healing modalities for 30+ years and is an advocate for creating allyship with plants & fungi and the lands they come from. She has degrees in Chinese medicine, herbalism, acupuncture, Functional Medicine, midwifery, massage, medical qigong, nutrition, and psychological counseling. She has traveled around the world learning about indigenous ways, teaching and working in clinics and retreat centers, attending births, training doulas and herbalists, and helping women embody their health.

Her passion is supporting women through Rites of Passage, specifically through what she calls the Wild Woman to Wise Woman Phases of life (otherwise known as Perimenopause & Menopause), through holistic microdosing, nutrition, herbal medicine, and initiation practices from women’s mystery traditions.

A trained medicine carrier of huachuma from the Chavin Tradition, as well  as decades working with all types of plant & fungi medicines, she offers ceremonies, trainings, retreats, and healings, as well as, private sessions online and in person, group support and continues to be a consultant to numerous businesses, clinics, and retreat centers around the world. Seven has been living between Peru and Mexico since 2012 and continues her studies in medicinal and magical herbs.

Carly Beese is a 39-year-old  English woman who has lived on the Island of Bali Indonesia for 13 years. Carly has always had a passion for plants living on a tropical island which led her to be one of the first people to make Kombucha on the island, her brand is now one of the most established health drink companies in Indonesia. 

Carly was suffering from severe PTSD 5 years ago so she decided to try and treat it by working with psilocybin which quickly led her to go deeper with Ayahuasca. Over the last 5 years, Carly has worked with over seven indigenous tribes from the Peruvian Amazon, Colombia, and lived with the Huni Kuin tribe from the Brazilian Acres to study their teachings with Ayahuasca. After deciding to take a break from Ayahuasca whilst studying in Peru, almost immediately she met Seven and wanted to go deeper into working with women. It was clear after participating in a Dieta with Seven working with Seven and various plant medicines catered to her and healing her womb, it became clear her passion was to now work in all women's containers and lead the feminine to dive deeper with their bodies and intrinsically work with plants that synced with their wombs, hearts, voices and beyond.