Sacred Rage & The Wild Woman

~ Wild Red Rose Dieta & Huachuma Retreat ~
A women's group journey of womb healing, sensuality, and the Wild Woman Archetype


March 6th - 25, 2025 Sacred Valley of Peru


LIMITED SPACES - Join the Retreat

Women have a direct relationship to the moon by way of their womb, and a powerful connection to nature.

~ Seven Crow * Wild Woman Medicine

Is this you?

🌹 Are you tired of looking outside yourself for the necessary answers?

🌹 Do you feel angry, moody, and generally irritated?

🌹 Do you have moments of wanting to burn your life down and start again?

🌹 Do you hear nature calling you, the ocean tides, and the moon?

🌹 Are you angry about aging or unsure how to embrace hormonal shifts?

🌹 Are you ready to release what no longer serves you, reclaiming your birth rite as a Wild Woman?

🌹 Have you heard of "Sacred Rage? and curious how it relates to you, your perimenopause or post-menopause years?

🌹 Have you walked the Medicine Lands but are looking for a deeper connection with like-minded women to create a new sisterhood?

🌹 Do you want to learn how to create allyship with Sacred Earth Medicines that continues to support you outside of ceremony?

🌹Would you like to know how to connect with the moon on a more personal level and understand how this supports your physical health as well as your Medicine Path?

The Sacred Rage Retreat is Calling YOU!

Wild Red Rose Dieta

What is a dieta?

Dieta is the Spanish word for diet, however, it is used in the context of learning from a plant its properties, songs, and receiving healing. This is a traditional approach used with certain plant medicines here in Peru, but is also a technique used by herbalists for thousands of years. During this dieta you will learn:


🌹 How to connect with the moon in order to support your womb health, hormones, and sensuality


🌹 Connect with the Wild Red Rose to trace your rage root patterns


🌹 Learn her association with the Witch & Wild Woman Archetypes


🌹 Speaking with Plants - learn how to commune with her on a physical and spiritual level through offerings and practices, while understanding how she shows up in the body


On the Medicine Path, it is important to have practices that support the Unseen realms and a firm grasp of the plants, traditions, and archetypes that support this Journey! You will receive all of this in Sacred Rage & the Wild Woman!

Huachuma/San Pedro

This Cactus has many names and varieties. Known as the Cactus of the Four Winds, Grandfather, and Queen of the Waters, there is no doubt that this powerful Sacred Earth Medicine has a lot of wisdom and healing to offer.

Many come away feeling bliss-ed out, calm, healed, joyful, and ready to meet their lives in a new way.

We will have a class to talk about the benefits, how it works in the body, the history of this beautiful being, and how to approach this Spirit with humility.

Wild Red Rose

Rose medicine has been used in healing, beauty products, decorations, and prayer for literally thousands of years across the world.

Roses support the nervous system, menstruation, the womb, lifts the spirits, and reduces inflammation. Rose has an astringent property that allows for fluids to return internally.

Our classes are designed to deepen your understanding of her on all levels.


This sweatlodge style represents the Four Elements but is of a combined Northern Tradition from my lineages. This incorporates the elemental directions and allows us to connect and pray with each.

The sweatlodge is known to purify, detoxify, and deepen one's Medicine Path through prayer, singing, and communal participation.

We will address the necessary components to the prayer and how to prepare for it.

The Wild Red Rose

She is Calling YOU! Rose diets/dietas are very popular these days, or rather she is receiving the praise that she deserves! All roses have a frequency but the message depends on the color and transmission! Red Rose is about Sacred Rage, Sensuality, the Witch Queen and the Wild Woman Archetypes, and so much more. She is every woman who shines and who desires to be heard. She is the unexpressed anger, sadness, loneliness, and sexual desire unfulfilled. She is not to be feared but rather faced with bravery for each of us has the elements within us.

Roses are considered the highest vibration of any flower, connected to the planet Venus, with an ancient history. Learn to recognize her shadows and gifts, her medicine, and her magic. Understand where the Witch Wound all women carry and how it shows up in your life and how to heal it in your Ancestral lines. Red Rose can be your Ally if you learn how to listen with your whole body.

Do you hear the call?

Will you join us on the Wild Woman Medicine Path dear sister?

 "Connecting to your rage is a form of self-care."

The Wild Woman desires and requires you to listen to her! Every part of you that has been held back, silenced, ignored and gaslit by yourself or others will awaken in the Wild & Wise Woman phases of your life. She is the aspect of you revealing what must change in order for life to have new meaning full of purpose and passion. Understanding that your Rage is Sacred and not chaotic, means embracing the feelings with no judgement or shame. She is the Wild Woman within you!

~ Seven Crow * Wild Woman Medicine


LIMITED SPOTS - Join the Retreat

Ceremonies Included

  • A Huachuma/San Pedro Day Hike
  • A Huachuma/San Pedro Night Tipi Fire Ceremony
  • 7 Day Wild Red Rose Dieta
  • Elemental Sweatlodge
  • Andean Despacho/Offering Ceremony
  • Cacao, Drumming, and Breathwork
  • Yoni & Fire Releasing Ceremony


Workshops Included

  • 1000 Hands Buddha Qigong
  • Limpias & Flower Baths
  • Womb Reclaiming & Yoni Egg
  • How to Make Offerings
  • The Wild Woman Archetype
  • Sacred Rage
  • Hormones & Rites of Passage
  • Yoni Mapping & Steaming
  • Flower Essence Making
  • Lunar Phase Alignment
  • Altar Making

Prayer Package

  • One High Quality Yoni Egg
  • Altar Cloth
  • Candle
  • Journal
  • Wild Rose Flower Essence
  • Tote Bag
  • Integration Call 2 Weeks After The Retreat
  • Group Sharing Circles


Upgrade Add Ons

  • 1:1 Treatment with Seven Crow
  • Massage Treatments
  •  Tinctures, Herbal Steam Packages, Honey Sananga, and other herbal medicines
  • Medicine Bags
  • Ceremony Belts for Protection
  • Offering Packets
  • Integration Packages


What is Sacred Rage?

it is the aspect of you that has been silenced, unheard, disrespected, gaslit, and feels invisible. It is autoimmune issues, hormonal shifts, trauma, sexual abuse, and ancestral lines that are screaming to be healed. This is an vital part of moving from Maiden to Mother to Wild Woman to Crone. It is perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. It is where you meet culture, religion, relationships, and everything that has an opinion on who you should be versus who you desire to be. It is your internal compass of integrity and discernment.


  • Accommodation for 10 days – 9 nights in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Urubamba. Everyone will have their own room.
  • We provide three healthy and delicious vegetarian or vegan meals, using the best local ingredients: fresh fruits, organic vegetables, eggs, and Andean tubers and grains. During ceremony days there will be fruits, tea, and a soup at the end of the day for grounding, but not too heavy.
  • Each person will fill out a health form to be evaluated by our medical staff, and then have a 1:1 Zoom consultation.
  • Packing and preparation list.
  • Transportation from the Cusco airport to the retreat center.

Not Included:

  • All airfares and flights, international and domestic
  • All costs and bank fees associated with money transfers for the retreat payment
  • Visas requirements (if needed)
  • Covid testing and Covid related expenses (if needed to go back to your country)
  • Travel/ health insurance (highly recommended)
  • Personal expenses 
  • Tipping


Everyone will have their own room. Each has hot water in the bathrooms, comfortable beds and pillows, and a beautiful view. The grounds are secure, private, and will occupied by the group ONLY.

The Importance of Honoring Sacred Rage

“All emotion, even rage, carries knowledge, insight, what some call enlightenment. Our rage can, for a time become our teacher–a thing not to be rid of so fast . . . The cycle of rage is like any other cycle; it rises, falls, dies and is released as new energy.  Allowing oneself to be taught by one’s rage. thereby transforming it, disperses it.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

To know this truth of yourself, it is vitally important to understand the cycles of your nature and how thy connect with the WILD around you. Walking the path of the Wild Woman is a Calling heard in the Rage, in the bones, in the blood, and deep in the soul.

LIMITED SPACES - Join the Retreat

Early Bird Price


Ends December 31, 2024

  • Wild Red Rose Dieta
  • 2 Huachuma Ceremonies
  • Mankapacha/Sweatlodge
  • Cacao & Breathwork
  • Andean Despacho & Coca Ceremony
  • Rose Flower Essence Tincture
  • Prayer Bag of Gifts to Support the Retreat
  • Classes & Workshops on Womb Healing, Sacred Rage, Hormones, and Sensuality

Full Price


Ends March 1st, 2025

  • Wild Red Rose Dieta
  • 2 Huachuma Ceremonies
  • Mankapacha/Sweatlodge
  • Cacao & Breathwork
  • Andean Despacho & Coca Ceremony
  • Rose Flower Essence Tincture
  • Prayer Bag of Gifts to Support the Retreat
  • Classes & Workshops on Womb Healing, Sacred Rage, Hormones, and Sensuality

Reservation Depost


Subtracted from the Price

  • Wild Red Rose Dieta
  • 2 Huachuma Ceremonies
  • Mankapacha/Sweatlodge
  • Cacao & Breathwork
  • Andean Despacho & Coca Ceremony
  • Rose Flower Essence Tincture
  • Prayer Bag of Gifts to Support the Retreat
  • Classes & Workshops on Womb Healing, Sacred Rage, Hormones, and Sensuality

S ~ Peru/Germany

Shamanic Healer

The medicine of Roses has been calling me since I entered my Wild Woman years & Menopause. Having worked in the healing arts for many years, I felt a strong urge to do something just for myself and joined Seven's one-on-one 14-day Rose Dieta program - and it turned out to be the best decision I could have made at this point in my life!

Having gone through perimenopause without any of the known symptoms, they hit hard a few months after I had stopped bleeding and I lost my connection to my womb along with everything else I thought I had known about my own body…… and about who I thought I was!

Now it has been 4 weeks after I officially finished the Dieta and not only have I transformed the trauma I experienced at birth but I have also established a new relationship with my womb, with my body, and with myself as a woman!

As with most dietas, also this one is a gift that keeps on giving and I have gained 2 new allies in the white and pink rose who continue to share their wisdom and knowledge with me.

The Beauty of this particular Rose Dieta is, that Seven designs the entire program according to each woman’s needs and she is absolutely adaptable to changes. As with her Huachuma ceremonies, Seven creates and holds a safe and sacred container and gives you all the material and tools you need for your journey - but how deeply you choose to go is entirely up to you!

Seven is one of those rare Individuals who truly embody their calling with integrity. She is not here to fix anyone but to share her vast knowledge and wisdom with women who are ready to reconnect with ALL of themselves.

Thank you dear Seven for walking your talk and being such an inspiration!

C ~ Peru/UK


After working with different indigenous tribes, masters,mentors and plant medicines from all over the world I was shocked that after 4,5 years I was still coming back to the same feelings, emotions and a general feeling I had hit a brick wall with my progress. The way Seven works is by far the most potent healing experience of my entire life, The reason for this is because of the way Seven intrinsically links her 34 years of plant medicine experience together with different modalities and specific plants that work with the earth, your cycle, and the moon altogether. Sevens knowledge of plant medicine and how different plants work with your body is second to none.

I have always believed that you can only go as deep as your doctor/Shaman has gone when you’re working alongside them in terms of your own healing, therefore when I did my Rose dieta with Seven something so deep and dense has finally left my body and soul. The peace and clarity I now have after this dieta is something I have never ever felt. Its as though every Unnecessary thought has finally left my mind and for the fist time in my life I feel 100% present and at one with being on my own. I truly believe that without Seven’s expertise this could not have happened.

Jillian ~ USA

Integration Specialist

Participating in the Wild Remembrance retreat was indeed a profound experience. As an individual who was born female but identifies as both male and female, I've had a complicated relationship with my feminine self and a non-existent relationship with my womb. At a young age, I began shunning many aspects of my femininity and embracing my masculinity. Recently, I've been seeking greater balance within, which meant embracing the rejected parts of my wild feminine that scare me and learning to connect with my womb. However, the duality of my identity has made it hard to feel like women's healing spaces were the right fit for me, and queer spaces always seemed to be missing the deep feminine connection I was seeking.

The Wild Remembrance retreat is more than simply taking plant medicine and hoping for enlightenment from the "journey." Thoughtfulness, intention, and integrity ripple through every aspect of these retreats, from the moment you arrive to the closing ceremony. Offering a unique blend of Western and Indigenous practices and medicines, a beautiful opportunity for each individual to dive deeper into oneself through practical workshops, grounding with the elements, honoring ancestral rituals, and learning to engage with and listen to the sage wisdom of the plants.

I've had many transformative events in my life, with and without medicine, but this retreat was hands down one of the most profound and metamorphic experiences I've had in a long while. I cannot fully express the extent of my appreciation to Seven and Carly for offering such a powerful retreat and providing access to such deep medicine.

Seven Crow has been studying entheogenic plant medicines and healing modalities for 30+ years and is an advocate for creating allyship with plants & fungi and the lands they come from. She has degrees in Chinese medicine, herbalism, acupuncture, Functional Medicine, midwifery, massage, medical qigong, nutrition, and psychological counseling. She has traveled around the world learning about indigenous ways, teaching and working in clinics and retreat centers, attending births, training doulas and herbalists, and helping women embody their health.

Her passion is supporting women through Rites of Passage, specifically through what she calls the Wild Woman to Wise Woman Phases of life (otherwise known as Perimenopause & Menopause), through holistic microdosing, nutrition, herbal medicine, and initiation practices from women’s mystery traditions.

A trained medicine carrier of huachuma from the Chavin Tradition, as well  as decades working with all types of plant & fungi medicines, she offers ceremonies, trainings, retreats, and healings, as well as, private sessions online and in person, group support and continues to be a consultant to numerous businesses, clinics, and retreat centers around the world. Seven has been living between Peru and Mexico since 2012 and continues her studies in medicinal and magical herbs.

Carly is a 39-year-old  English woman who has lived on the Island of Bali Indonesia for 13 years. Carly has always had a passion for plants living on a tropical island which led her to be one of the first people to make Kombucha on the island, her brand is now one of the most established health drink companies in Indonesia. 

Carly was suffering from severe PTSD 5 years ago so she decided to try and treat it by working with psilocybin which quickly led her to go deeper with Ayahuasca. Over the last 5 years, Carly has worked with over seven indigenous tribes from the Peruvian Amazon, Colombia, and lived with the Huni Kuin tribe from the Brazilian Acres to study their teachings with Ayahuasca. After deciding to take a break from Ayahuasca whilst studying in Peru, almost immediately she met Seven and wanted to go deeper into working with women. It was clear after participating in a Dieta with Seven working with Seven and various plant medicines catered to her and healing her womb, it became clear her passion was to now work in all women's containers and lead the feminine to dive deeper with their bodies and intrinsically work with plants that synced with their wombs, hearts, voices and beyond.